3 diagrams found for the vehicle you selected.Select your vehicle options to narrow down results.
Part Code
Part No. & Part Description
Price & Qty.
Part No. &
Part Description
784920020Bulb- 12V-27W
- Fitting Vehicle Options: XT
- Require Quantity: 05
- Package Quantity: 1
784920030Bulb- 12V-27/8W
- Fitting Vehicle Options: XT
- Require Quantity: 04
- Package Quantity: 1
84920GA020Bulb- Fitting Vehicle Options: XT.(DL+GL+GL10/B+4WD/B)
- Require Quantity: 02
- Package Quantity: 1
Lamp Assembly-Rear Combination Left
Lamp Assembly-Rear Combination Right
Packing-Rear Combination Lamp
84930GA490Socket- Notes: 61-
- Fitting Vehicle Options: XT
- Require Quantity: 02
- Package Quantity: 1
84930GA800Socket- Notes: -5Z
- Fitting Vehicle Options: XT.(DL+GL+GL10/B+4WD/B)
- Require Quantity: 02
- Package Quantity: 1
- Replaced By: 84930GA490
Standard Parts
Genuine Subaru Parts, the Right Choice
SubaruPartsDeal.com offers the wholesale prices for genuine 1987
Subaru XT parts. Parts like Lamp - Rear are shipped directly from authorized Subaru dealers and backed by the manufacturer's warranty. Parts fit for the following vehicle options.